Kamis, Oktober 17


Liam Payne eks personel One Direction meninggal dunia. Kabar ini membuat kaget penggemar saat mendengarnya.

Ungkapan duka langsung mengalir deras usai meninggalnya Liam Payne ini. Hal tersebut terlihat dalam kolom komentar miliknya dan One Direction.

“Rest in peace,” ungkap Aurelie Moeremans.

“Heartbreaking,” tutur akun heor****.


“rest in peace Liam, you didn’t deserve that ending,” kata akun ter****.

“Was listening to one direction just today morning. Please tell me it’s a joke,” beber akun gdtre****.

“My love, I’m praying for your soul. You were such a big part of my teenage years, and it breaks my heart that you’re gone. The songs you made brought me so much happiness, motivation, and comfort during times when I needed it the most. Your voice, your creativity, and the connection you formed with your fans were truly special. You and the other members shaped so much of who I am today, giving me strength and inspiration in ways I can’t fully express. It feels like a part of my youth has been taken with your passing, and the loss is overwhelming. You’ll never be forgotten, and the legacy you’ve left behind will continue to touch lives. May you find peace and rest, Liam. You will always hold a special place in my heart,” kata akun lainnya.

Liam Payne dikabarkan meninggal dunia setelah terjatuh dari balkon hotel di Buenos Aires, Argentina, pada Rabu sore, 16 Oktober 2024.

Menurut laporan dari media lokal Argentina, La Nacion dan Clarin, Liam Payne ditemukan tak bernyawa di teras hotel setelah jatuh dari lantai tiga.

Pihak kepolisian menyebut sebelum insiden, pria 31 tahun itu diduga berada di bawah pengaruh alkohol dan obat-obatan.

Mereka menerima panggilan darurat 911 sekitar pukul 17.04 waktu setempat. Panggilan itu melaporkan adanya seorang pria yang bertingkah agresif karena pengaruh zat tersebut.


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